Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jesus

As usual, we have our Christmas gathering yesterday. All my sisters are not believers, but they do enjoy Christmas very much. It is a time of spending the day together, with food - of course, and catching up with one another on the majong table. As for all my nieces and nephews, they look forward to have their Christmas presents from all the aunties... All of them love Christmas, and i hope one day they know that a precious gift waiting for them - thats our Jesus, a King is born in a humble status who identifies Himself with us......

For me, i still cannot thank God enough for His provision all this while... Looking at my older newphews helping me to mount the newly bought dryer onto the wall, i prayed and thank God again for them. Help is always there for me when i needed it.
God has been faithful and i must learn to trust HIM even more......

Happy Birthday, Jesus
I am so glad its Christmas,
All the tinsel and lights
The presents are nice,
But the real gift is You...

Dear Jesus, You are the ever best gift i have received in my life.....