Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last day of the year!

With many unfortnate events in this later part of the year, i closed my chapter of 2006.

Bad and unfortunate things happened to good faithful people of God. Heart hardened ones are prospering in all aspects. It just keep me thinking, is my faith got backfired?

Much disappointments in myself and in God! I feel myself running out of steam for this year. I was exhausted.

Tonight watchnight service has given me a outburst of prayers. I have been surpressed for too long, just too long. Too many questions, too many doubts, i just poured out to HIM.

Dear Lord,
You see many things happening down here. Good faithful people of Yours going through very difficult times. i know You have Your divine plans for all these. But my heart still pounding with pain. God, i cried foul play! God, i cried that You are unfair! How can you allow it to happen! But all these showed me one thing - the faith that these peole have in YOU! They are Jobs in the modern world. Lord, i pray and believe You are going to bless them many many folds at the end of the day. Just like Job in the bible.

A new year, a new beginning, Lord, renew my love and restore my life in You ! Amen