Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Maternal Instinct

The puppies are two weeks old. They doubled the size now compared the evey day borned.

The maternal instinct of Baby, my Shih-Tzu, amazed me also. Being such a young age (this June, then she turns one year old) she is able to attend to her pups' need. Feeding and cleaning them regularly.

That make me think how much more we, as human mothers can do and have done to our children. Many stories were told about mothers who have done great stuff for their children. However, they were also many sad stories that as the female gender, we have done terrible things to our youngs for many unforseen reasons or circumstances.....

Indeed, our children are at our mercy. These were the words a sister told me while I was ranting how my children upset me some time ago. And I have also realised that my words hurt them much also. They are defendless, they are at my mercy at this point of time, at this stage of their young lives.....

Mother's day, a day to reflect how can I be a better person, a better mum to my children...

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this maternal instinct that You have given me. But sometimes, I mis-use it. Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness. As this day's reflection, I ask the Lord for guidance, to be a better person, a better mum for my children. I commit all my pain, hurts and struggles as a single parent to You. That Lord, You are the only one know whats going on and all the answers... Lord, as the society see us a broken home.. but in You, we are whole... Help me to live in Your grace and be strong in it in all things on this earth.. Guide me and my children with your loving kindness, that endures forever and ever....... Amen!