Monday, April 23, 2007

His timing for a purpose

A week in Jakarta again. Praise the Lord, the project go live without any more significant issues.

i give thanks to God for all these. Truly trust His timing and decision on all things. This stand still in end March has actually given me the opportunity to learn in depth of another application. i don't think i will get this chance back home. The knowledge in this area indeed given a better understanding and it really helped in my future of similar projects.

Trust that this week, will be my last visit on this project to Jakarta office.

Dear Lord,
I give you thanks for the project finally gone live.. And i thank You for sending brothers and sisters to pray for me. Those that don't really know you have also given me a word of encouragement.....I was touched by the concern and love.... I pray that they will come to know you one day, that You are the almighty God who have delivered me.....who had did wonders and miracles beyond human comprehension.... Lord, strengthen me these days for i am easily weakened ... May your Holy Spirit be my guide and lead me in your righteous ways.............Amen

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Defeated soldier

Today, i was like a veteran soldier defeated awfully...

The project suppose to kick off but is stand still now and dont know what to do here in Jakarta for the rest of the week. Very depressed - physically, mentally tired also.

I really want to go home. I miss my children and dogs badly today...