Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jelly Baby & Darling Doby

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Heavenly gifts

Doby and Baby

Praise God for these gifts. They have brought much joy to our home.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A new member

Christmas was just over, and here comes the Chinese New Year.

Still busy in a way. But some urgent matters were settled. The most urgent one was to find an employer for our maid. And it took me two months to find one who was willing to give her an off-day per month. And this was a through a friend's referral.

Finally, maid is gone. But a new member is in. She is Baby. A six months Shih-Tzu. Her size is much bigger than our Maltese, Doby. Both dogs seems to be fell in love on the first date. They become good friends immediately.

The very first night at our place, the children were eager to attend to this new member. My sweet gal tidied up the resting place for Baby while I was giving it a good scrub. And my son could not wait to hug and play with Baby. Making sure the doggie likes him.

Looking my children busy baby-talking with these pets, I just felt that they have so much love to give. Indeed, they are dog lovers. And I thank God for this special gift.

Dear Father,

Thank you so much for moulding my children through these pet dogs. Surely, these pets have made their lives more meaningful. They help my children to know what responsbility is. And let them know what love is about. With this new addition to my family, I ask God to guide us in dealing with these pets. Help us to have more love and patience while training this new member.. I give You thanks again Father, for I know You have been watching us always..... Amen

Monday, January 02, 2006

A love that is worth giving

Stepping into the brand new year, yet there are so many unfinished business. All these needed to carry foward into 2006.

Looking back, still cannot thank God enough for His grace and mercy for the past year. Even when I was in the desert at times with so many things cropped up, I thank God for friends who have extended their hands to me.

Pastor's watchnight message - God's love. Indeed, thats the treasure of the heart that no one can steal.

And only God's love - is the love that is worth giving.

Dear Father,

Thank you for everything that You have given me. Joy with laugthers, pain with tears - all are from You. All these that You have made me grow, made me who You want me to be.... I ask of You, that this brand new year, is to hear Your heartbeat. For getting close to you, is all I need.......... Amen